External academic mobility

Training under the program at the expense of the republican budget of the MES RK

Who can participate:


tuition is free, but some universities are exceptions (see list of partner universities)

Also covered are the costs of:

Program tuition at the expense of Ualikhanov University funds

Required Documents:

APPLICATION FORM(Doc) : Application form (Russian) Application form (English)

ANKETA FORM (Doc): Questionnaire form (Russian) Questionnaire form (English)

Optional if available:

The deadline for submitting documents is 05.02.2024-20.02.2024

Документы необходимо представить в отдел международного сотрудничества (212 кабинет, главный корпус КГУ им. Ш. Уалиханова).

For more information please contact the International Cooperation Department (office 212 of the Main Building or by phone 72 11 22)

Who can participate:


tuition is free of charge, but some universities are exceptions (see the list of partner universities);

Also covered are the costs of:

Basic Provisions:

In order to select applicants for training within the framework of academic mobility at the expense of the University, the Department of Science and International Cooperation organizes the work of the Commission.

Selection of students on the program of external academic mobility at the expense of the University is carried out in an open procedure of the Competition in accordance with the principles of equality of opportunity, available academic merits of students, their abilities and participation in social activities.

Основными критериями конкурсного отбора являются: завершение одного академического периода в своем вузе, академическая успеваемость на «А», «А-», «В+», «В», «В-», высокий GPA (не ниже 3,0), свободное владение иностранным языком (по возможности наличие сертификата о сдаче теста по иностранному языку).

Отбор претендентов на участие в программе внешней академической мобильности за счет средств университета проходит в два этапа:

  1. На первом этапе обучающиеся проходят тестирование на знание иностранного языка (минимальный проходной балл - 70%). Обучающиеся, имеющие действующие языковые сертификаты международного образца (IELTS не ниже 6.0, или сертификат языкового центра, подтверждающий продвинутый уровень владения английском языком – UpperIntermediate) освобождаются от тестирования.
  2. Вторым туром является устное собеседование с Комиссией университета.

Selection for participation in the external academic mobility program takes place twice a year: in the November. to participate in the program of external academic mobility in the spring semester of the current academic year, and in March - to participate in the program of external academic mobility in the fall semester of the following academic year.

Funding Terms:

The cost of education, transportation, accommodation, meals, medical care of participants of external academic mobility is equally at the expense of the University and at the expense of personal funds of the program participants. In this case, the University makes payment for the tuition of the participant of the program of academic mobility in a foreign university, the payment of other expenses (accommodation, flight, medical insurance, visa) is assumed by the student.

In case if in a foreign university training is provided on a free basis, the University covers the costs of flight (round trip) and medical insurance of the student-participant of the academic mobility program, the rest of the costs (accommodation and visa processing) is paid by the participant of the program.

Required Documents:

APPLICATION FORM(Doc) : Application form (Russian) Application form (English)

ANKETA FORM (Doc): Questionnaire form (Russian) Questionnaire form (English)

Optional if available:

Documents should be submitted to the Department of International Cooperation (212 office, main building of KU named after Sh. Ualikhanov).

For more information please contact the International Cooperation Department (office 212 of the Main Building or by phone 72 11 22)

Self-funded study

Who can participate:


Необходимые документы:

Дополнительно при наличии:

Документы необходимо предоставить в отдел международного сотрудничества (212 каб., главный корпус КУ им. Ш. Уалиханова).

За дополнительной информацией необходимо обращаться в Отдел международного сотрудничества (каб. 212 Главного корпуса, или по телефону 72 11 22)